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Monday, March 24, 2014

Mercy Johnson Husband's Secret Wife Finally Speaks Out

It is a known fact that Prince Okojie, the man actress Mercy Johnson got married to, has a secret wife who is in Canada trying to take care of their two children alone, since her husband dumped her for the actress. The first wife, Lovely Okojie, has opened up on what how she has been holding up since her husband jumped into the hands of Mercy Johnson in Lagos and they rushed him into marriage.
How are the children doing now?
The children are doing fine. I thank God for them.

How have you been able to cope with the children’s welfare?
Like I said, I thank God. I am coping well.
Is your husband, now married to Mercy Johnson, taking care of the children you have together?
What do you mean? That is my past. Don’t ask me questions about my past. I don’t want to relate with my past. In fact, I don’t know what you are talking about,” and the phone went off.

|| Source close to Lovely revealed to Encomium that she is still very bitter about what happened and how Mercy Johnson used whatever to crash her marriage and snatch her husband, Prince Okojie, from her.

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