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Thursday, December 5, 2013


It is unsurprising that when Olusegun Obasanjo changed the system of government in Nigeria on May 29, 1999 from military to democracy, many gave kudos and lauded the decision. This is because People saw it has the beginning of an era where there won't be tyranny and the right of the people won't be trampled upon. People saw it as the era of leaders not rulers (though we ended up having administrators and rulers) who will work toward the interest of the masses and serve them well. Unfortunately, all these were dashed. The democracy has been "in view”. Democracy has been defined as "government of the people, by the people, and for the people" our democracy is the absolute negation of this universally acceptable definition. Many saw what OBJ did in 1999 as a positive change that will be to the betterment of the masses but cerebral political analysts, pundits, intelligentsia and some with critical mind now realised that it is just a "latent package" that has not been unravel for its manifestation due to the mental and psychological disorder inherent in our administrators and rulers (even in an era of democracy). Democracy in Nigeria has been reduced to an inertia state for more than a decade. Democracy has never seen the light of the day in Nigeria. It has only been taught in school but we have never witnessed the practicability. It is just on paper and the gullible masses also dance to the tune of those who are claiming to be giving the masses the dividend of democracy. Democracy did not solve the problem of our dear nation. There is nothing wrong with this system of government, but what is the value of a bottle of honey adulterated with 30 cubes of sugar? Tyranny and abuse of human right is not what can be absolutely stopped by enacting laws and changing the system of government, this is because it in the 'person", it is internal , it is only enhance by some systems of government.
Though many Nigerians believe that the system of government in Nigeria is democracy, for those who are critical minded it is blatant to them that our system of government is not democracy but "crazy-demo" Our own democracy has been the demonstration of outright craziness. This is a nation where those entrusted with the well being of the masses are the ones milking the masses by using the public resources for their selfish gain. Unfortunately these kleptomaniac human beings go without being punished despite the fact that even the blind can see that such act is culpable. It is only an illusion to say we have fundamental human right in our dear country, only the crème de la crème are enjoying it through their dubious and unpatriotic means. This is a nation where everything says 'yes' to money and affluence even if it is against the majority and has no respect form rule of law. This is a country where a public official can steal ₦100b and get ₦100,000 as bail when charged to court while a poor man who stole ₦20,000 due to lack of basic needs as a result of deprivation by the 'administrators' will be sentence to 2-5years imprisonment. This is a country where there is nothing like justice or fairness. The electorate are now at the mercy of the elected.
It is very pathetic and disheartening that those entrusted with the leadership in this nation are not leaders but administrators. It is only the leaders that can lead and make use of democracy for the betterment of the people; administrators are not leaders and they can never lead. We don't have leaders, we only have administrative heads. How can you lead people you don't know? How can you lead people you don't know their fears, hope and aspirations? How can you lead people you don't love and admire? How can you lead when your personal gain is your priority? How can you lead people you don't wish well and see them living better? How can you lead when service and sacrifice has no place in your mentality? How can you lead when you never thought of adding value? Our administrators that people call leaders are just like two pupils who score 2/10 and 0/10. The pupil who scores 2/10 maybe claiming that he/she performed better than the other. But it an absolute ignorance and stupidity to believe that, on the scale they are birds of a feather. What is the different between 0/100 and 20/100? Definitely both are 'F9'.
Nigeria is a blessed nation endowed with numerous resources; in fact our dear country is one of the richest in natural endowment in the world. Unfortunately, these natural endowments cannot spontaneously yield the desired output without the 'human resource' that will put our enormous resources into reasonable and judicious use. Who will save Nigeria from the abject and excruciating poverty that has permeated our society? Who will harness our enormous resources for the good of the populace? Who will be the saviour of this Nation from it lamentable state due to cruel 'administrators'? Can we continue to entrust the people currently at the helms of affairs with the leadership of this nation? Can we hope for a better tomorrow if we remain docile, complacent and indifferent about our precarious and melancholic situation?
The epidemic that has successfully penetrated the leadership of this nation is kleptomania. Our 'administrators' are kleptomaniac and all they can give us is to change democracy to kleptocracy. Kleptocracy is a system of government where officials are politically corrupt and financially self-interested. What can better describe the extant system of government in Nigeria? What a cruel leadership! The rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer, the common interest is not being served, and personal pockets are now the priority. Many Nigerians are in melancholy due to depression and dismal situations that has befallen them as a result of bad leadership-kleptocracy, some are roaming the street due to unemployment, about 7.2 million children are on the Nigerian street with no one to care for them. Unsurprisingly we are number one when it comes to social instability and disorder.
How I long to see the emergence of leaders at the helms of affairs in this nation, how I long to see rulers and administrators relegated to eternal and abysmal exile. How I long to see Nigerians who are not only educated but 'critically educated', those who cannot only read but also reason to demand change from the oppressors camouflaging to be democrats. It is of no use to continue to pretend as if all is well when everything is in chaos. Billions of naira both in cash and in form of resource are being channelled to personal pocket, despite the numerous and huge allowances those 'administrators' are earning, they still display their inherent kleptomania by looting and embezzling public funds. Corruption and personal interest is the heartbeat of kleptocracy. Nigerians has embraced this and we are suffering and smiling. This has been the cankerworm 'eating' us up.
Don't be deceived there is nothing like democracy in Nigeria, we are in the era of kleptocracy disguised as democracy. It is left for us to take the bull by the horn and shun sentiments, tribalism, nepotism, and favouritism. This is the time for us to fight for our well being. Let us join hands to re-write our history, nobody will help us to do that. It is high time we looked straight into the face of anyone found culpable because of an offence no matter our relationship with the culprit. If we want the future to be different from the past, we need to study the past and effect change in the present. We need change, but change agents must not fold their hands. Be among the change agents in your own little way. Nigeria can be great and better again.

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