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Monday, November 11, 2013



We have all come to the understanding that we play a very big role in whatever happens to us. But while you may seem so exemplary in your actions, there are some random traits you might exhibit sometimes or rather unknowingly that can put anybody off instantly. This leads to questions like:

• I did all I could, can’t figure out why it did not work.
• They never said anything, they just cut me off.
• I was better than the others, but I can’t tell why I was not selected.
• I know what I am doing, but I am not a success.

The list is endless, but those are for illustration so you will know where I am headed.
So now I have taken my time, after careful observations of a population of individuals, and below are some handpicked trait some of us possess and exhibit and they are definitely stumbling blocks towards our respective aspirations.


Chances are you might have come across this trait in others, but I bet that you are also guilty.
Do you think that you know it all and nobody’s opinion count, or you feel you can do it on your own? Well here is a simple analogy, that earpiece and phone you use in blocking the world out by listening to music was not even built by a person. So, while I really respect people who stand out from others, it is cool sometimes if you can come out and know what others think, feel and see about a particular idea that you have, I bet that you will be so amazed to see brilliance in diversity coming to play.
When people notice this in you, they naturally gravitate away, some might even call you proud or a snub (obviously, that’s how they really act) and most times, they would never say this to your face but they would spread this around, and end up breaking down the wall of people around you, and since you want to stand alone, you definitely, will be alone now, MR. LONER!
Learn to say hi, how you doing, good morning … even to complete strangers, you might end up meeting up with them up ahead and always ask questions or you might make a bomb in ignorance and obliterate yourself!


You are so guilty of this that you are yet to say thank you to MR. PRECIOUS for this article (okay! Just kidding).
You are still guilty because you are yet to show appreciation to that caller, for food, for clothe… even to GOD.
I want you to understand that anything a person does for or to you, they have actually gone out of their own way and comfort zone just to put smile on your face, and since you cannot pay back, I do not know why a simple THANK YOU from you is like beating a dead horse to gallop.
If you show appreciation, you sure will get another, for crying out loud, if you know how your parents, friends, relatives… hustle from day to day, then the next time you get your allowance, gifts, school fees… you will shout a very big THANK YOU!
See this illustration, and say if it is fair. You give a fellow a gift of cash or anything and they just receive it from you as if it is their God-given birthright and to add salt to injury, the fellow did not even act or say anything appreciative. I believe really, that on that spot you will make a mental note never to help or show favour to such a person {do not say I am wrong now}. Well, that is how others feel when you act as if it is your RIGHT to receive without you been appreciative. Now wonder how many doors might have been closed to you just because you overlooked this minor act of been appreciative before.
Learn to show appreciation for simple things, that way you build your reputation and the esteem of the giver. So are you in a relationship? Be appreciative, to your parents always say thank you, even to your friend and strangers for any good they do to you. Even to kids too, show appreciation and let them learn that golden virtue!


Talking is very necessary, especially here where we promote communication and togetherness, but been a talkative is a very big NO! And I will personally give you a thousand yards! {I am serious!}.
Once you are tagged a talkative, Every dick and harry automatically sees you as a whistleblower, a plague, an attention seeker, an impolite fellow... and a non-secretive person, that alone is a bad attribute. SELF-DESTRUCTIVE!
No one will ever want you to catch a glimpse of their business, be a witness to any action they carry out… just because you cannot keep your lips together. The picture they will create of you is that of the exhaust pipe of a heavy duty truck emitting lead into the environment, polluting the atmosphere and killing people gradually.
Why not learn to be observant, think deep even before making a sentence and stop taking justice into your mouth. As at now, you are the Judas of the lot, and no one will ever want you in their business, because they do not trust you enough not to blow out to the world, their innermost plan!

RISKOPHOBIC {forgive me, just playing with words!}

You are so scared of taking risks that you take the very option of folding your hands and thinking all will fall into place. Now that is RISKY!
Why are you scared of taking risk when life itself is compounded with risk; every day you breath in dead cells, you board a vehicle and you do not know if the driver is sober or drunk, you put all your fortune in bank even when you cannot tell when they will fold up… every day you live with the risk of living or dying, a massive gamble, now tell me, what is more risky?
You just have to be daring and do not be scared of the outcome of any POSITIVE actions you take. How can you know what is behind the door without having it opened? So do not bother about failing because there is no better experience than failing and rising again to succeed.
Christopher Columbus must have been tagged a fool for daring to take the RISKY venture of circumnavigating the earth, but today he is known for discovering AMERICA, a name to reckon with when you mention world power. “Google” out Thomas Edison, Michael Faraday and others and see that risky ventures brings the best results, because it is for the strong-willed.
Forget what anyone will say and focus on accomplishing and setting milestones in ventures that ordinary people will tag risky. But be wise, the outcome must be positive in the long run before you engage in it, not like jumping into a volcano just to show how daring you are!


I intentionally put this last, because it’s what most of us do, including me! But frankly it is the truth; some of us have even forgotten his existence. To show how predictable we all are:
We woke up this morning, did a couple of push-ups, off to the bathroom and out, make and dress-up and after eating set out into the world. And if something good comes out that day, some will remember to say THANK GOD, and if otherwise {all actions coming in the negative}, we all say GOD WHY?
Do you know that sleeping and waking in its own sense is a MIRACLE, and the coolest part is that you are a beneficiary every day. If you think it is your doing, then please tell me how, because when I sleep, I can equate it with dying: because it is a state when I cannot tell what happens around, you can pinch or slap me and I will not budge… and what if the inevitable happens, like my heart stopping, am been attacked, can i even defend myself?

I am open to all freethinkers, naturalists and spiritualists. But we all know the truth even if we try to conceal it that there is an OMNIPRESENCE AND OMNISCIENCE GOD. But at least, let us learn to walk in his principles, as he supersedes all, watches, cares… and protect us all.
Always show him respect and always seek his guidance. Nothing is by chance; air, ocean… even life. There is a loving father behind it all and learning to acknowledge him will go a long way to rid you of many dramas in any facet of life you find yourself.


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