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Monday, November 18, 2013

First Bank Promotes Savings Culture

First Bank

As part of efforts to foster a strong savings culture among teenagers, First Bank Nigeria Limited, under its ‘FutureFirst’ initiative organised a forum for secondary school students in Lagos State at the weekend.
The bank said the event was also to promote financial discipline and security among students.
Speaking at the launch of the initiative, the Product Manager, Youth Engagement, First Bank, Mr. Akinwande Meadows, said financial literacy which leads to financial discipline was what every individual needs to succeed in life.
“Whenever you get money, make sure you don’t spend all of it. Part of that money should not be spent, but should be invested,” Meadows told the teenagers.
On her part, the Head Human Capital Management, First Bank, Mrs. Ayodele Jaiyesinmi, listed plans, processes and people as three factors the students required to succeed in their future careers.
“The truth is that no matter what your dreams are, if you don’t plan, if you don’t have the right processes and people to achieve them, you may not get there,” she explained.
In her address, the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education, Lagos, Mrs. Omolara Erogbogbo, commended the bank for the initiative.
“Financial literacy is equally essential since we all need to have proper financial knowledge in order to plan and our finances judiciously.
“You will all agree with me that when these young minds are trained early enough about career choices and financial knowledge, it will make better individuals who will make significant breakthroughs for our nation,” she added.
The ‘FutureFirst’ platform involves two platforms -Career Counseling and Financial Literacy Programme both aimed at ensuring Nigerian youths are financially independent through fulfilling careers and the right financial knowledge.

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